Manifesting your dreams just by being “Present”

Once upon a time, there was a saint who lived in the mountains, far from the village. The villagers often visited him to seek wisdom, as he had a unique way of teaching. His mere presence conveyed a profound lesson—just to “Be” and accept whatever the present moment offered. The villagers admired him greatly. One day, a woman from the village falsely accused the saint of harassing her and fathering her child to cover up her own mistakes. The people, who once revered him, turned against him and spoke ill of him. Yet, the saint did not react. He did not defend himself or resist the accusations. Instead, he simply continued “Being.”

A few months later, the woman gave birth and abandoned the child near the saint before disappearing. Even then, the saint did not resist the moment but accepted the responsibility given to him. He raised the child with love and care. Years passed, and one day, the woman returned, filled with remorse. She fell at the saint’s feet, confessing her lie and asking for forgiveness. She took the child and left. Still, the saint remained unmoved—he continued to simply “Be.”

When the villagers learned the truth, they were overwhelmed with guilt. They fell at the saint’s feet, apologizing for their misjudgment. Their admiration for him grew even deeper than before. What can we learn from this story?

Just by simply “Being” everything will settle down eventually. To separate dirt from the water, you have to let the water to be still for sometime. When you try to purify it by disturbing the stillness, you are disrupting the process of purification. Although the process may seem contradictory, but being conscious and knowing the end-will allow you to trust the process and remain still. Just as water settles when left undisturbed, life’s disturbances also clear when we remain still. If the saint had tried to prove his innocence, he may not have reached the level of reverence he did. His patience elevated him in the eyes of the villagers. This teaches us that no matter what we seek—whether dreams, desires, or manifestations—it all comes to us when we let go of our ego and surrender to the present moment. We can conclude from this story that, no matter what you need or desire, it all will be manifested, but with the cost of letting go of your ego. When you surrender and simply “Be” to the observer you are, everything is getting aligned for you.

The above story doesn’t have any particular source, however it was quoted by one of my inspiration “Eckhart Tolle” in one of his lectures. 

When it is said to us to simply “Be” it looks so simple for us that we think it is waste of time and it is not normal to simply “Be” to manifest our dreams. We were learned that in order to manifest our dreams we have to hustle and work hard everyday and work towards it. But it is not correct entirely. Entirely because, of course the inspired actions will prompt us to take some actions accordingly but it wouldn’t be an hard work, the actions will be in such a way that it enhances our being. These actions can never be manipulated. It looks so normal like doing any other thing. Inspired actions will naturally arise when they are meant to, but they will never feel forced or exhausting. Instead, they will align seamlessly with our state of being. That’s how powerful is just to simply “Be”. It’s not that only actions that look big and involve lot of effort, energy and time are the ones that will accelerate our manifestation. This was just a programming we have been grown-up to believe in, that is why it looks so convincing. See how greatly the programming can affect us? It is your body speaking, whereas you are being conscious of something else. You need to know that whatever you are being conscious of, is the only reality. We have been programmed to believe that success comes only through effort and struggle, which is why the idea of simply “Being” feels unnatural. But when we shift our awareness, we realize that true reality exists in the present moment.

By just simply “Being”, 

  • You are being the OBSERVER of your reality.
  • You are living the actual LIFE that is in the Present moment.
  • You are Trusting the process.
  • You SURRENDER to the natural flow of existence.
  • You are being FULFILLED in the now.
  • You are radiating ABUNDANCE in the now.
  • You are allowing your MANIFESTATIONS to appear in your world light speed.
  • You enter a state of RECEIVING rather than chasing.
  • You are experiencing TIMELESSNESS just by Being.
  • You are being your HIGHEST desired version by being present. 

This is how powerful you are by just being present. You are influencing your whole reality by just being present. Everything else other than being present is just a programming. 

The Flower Sermon – A Lesson in Presence

One morning, the Buddha took his disciples to a quiet pond and, as was their custom, the Buddha’s disciples formed a small semi-circle around their Master and sat waiting for the Buddha to teach them something about spirituality. On this particular morning, however, the Buddha said nothing. Instead, reaching into the pond, he pulled up a lotus flower. With its roots dripping with mud and water, the Buddha continued to hold the lotus flower in front of his disciples, remaining silent as he did so.

After a while, the Buddha got up and, walking to each disciple in turn, quietly held the lotus flower in front of them. The disciples were greatly confused and did their best to fathom the meaning of the flower and how it might fit within the Buddha’s philosophy. When at last the Buddha stood before the last of his disciples, Mahā Kāshyapa, the disciple smiled front of them. Many who didn’t get the profound meaning behind the activity, were frustrated. But the one who understood the meaning, continued watching the flower. What is the message that we get to learn from a simple thing to as watch a flower? When you see a flower, what is the first thing that comes into your mind? Of-course, a label that it is a flower, then it’s name comes into the picture, then what colour is the flower, where was it brought from and all the other stories that are related to that flower come to the light. But if you can dis-engage in all of this stories and just observe the flower for its Being, just as it is existing, the suchness of it, then you will experience the expand of the Awareness in you. Because the Awareness aka Being of that flower is same as the being in you. In that state, we experience pure awareness. The same beingness that exists in the flower exists in us. When we are truly present, we connect to this infinite awareness, which includes all of our desires and manifestations. The source of everything in this world is the same and when you are connected to that being, you are connected to everything in the world. And yes, that includes your desires and manifestations. Within Zen, the Flower Sermon communicates the ineffable nature of tathātā (suchness). Presence is the key to everything.

When you are being present in the moment, you are being the observer of your reality. And this will allow you to accept the physical reality as it is, because you as Observer are aware of the physical reality’s truth. That it is fleeting. It a fleeting projection of your consciousness of a particular moment. That is why it shouldn’t bother you no matter what is playing in the physical reality.

  • When you are one with the totality of this present moment and everything it is offering, that’s when you are being present.
  • When you are recognised with the BEING itself, rather than what is being held in the moment. That’s when you are one with the present moment.
  • If you are directly involved in an activity with your senses and are being whole in it, without letting your egoic thoughts bother you and stop you from enjoying the activity, then you are being present.

The journey of your manifestation first starts with the acceptance of your desire, and then the inspired actions and events takes place in order to fulfil it in your world. None of which requires your effort. Your only effort is to stay true to this present moment. A desire is born in you in such a way, to bring love and heal the parts of you, which you have been ignoring. The thing you lacked your entire life, which made you feel insecure and for which you strived for, is the thing you desire deeply. That’s when you feel triggered. This is where people usually fall back in the same old safety mechanisms created by the ego and fall back and choose to stay unhappy instead of living to the fullest with their desires. It’s the ego that pulls you back. it is ego who is scared and not you. When you are being your true-self, you are aware of the truth of the ego. You differentiate your true-self from the ego. You just simply observe for what it is and rest as the Observer you are. When you rest in your truth, you will eventually see the rise of presence in you diminishing the ego.  When you seek fulfillment externally, you reinforce the illusion of separation. When you shift inward and rest in presence, you become one with all that you seek. You no longer chase your desires—they naturally come to you. Manifestation is not about acquiring; it is about aligning.

This state simply attracts all the abundance that life has to offer you, and yes! That includes your overall desires. When you forget the truth of who you are and seek your desires in your world, thats when you yourself see yourself limited and hence world reflects the same. When you are simply being aware of your being, the one that is simply observing everything- then you are being your truest version, without any resistance, just radiating pure love and bliss, the bliss of just being and experiencing life. The desires you experience are merely the cherry on top of the profound joy of simply being. The true fulfillment lies in embracing your present state, in recognizing that you already are everything you seek.

This is the power of presence.

To be dependant on your desires as you live a human life here on earth is matter of discussion again, which is going to be my next topic of my article. I hope you all enjoyed reading this article and even got a little glimpse of powerful being we are. Thank you!

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